Everything Your Elderly Loved One Needs to Know About Mindful Eating
Mindful eating is something that people of all ages should know about. If you are caring for your elderly loved one, this is something that you might want to help them with.
Three Ways Senior Care Can Help You Plan a Much-Needed Family Gathering This Summer
Senior care can help make these family gatherings more fruitful and safer, especially when their aging loved ones may be facing some extra difficulties.
Common Migraine Triggers and How to Reduce Them
If your parent suffers from migraines, you have probably experienced the disappointment that comes for both of you when your parent suddenly develops a migraine.
An Elder Care Provider Offers a Level of Assistance You Might Not Be Able to Match
In life, we often want to believe we can do things, especially when it pertains to helping our family.
What Causes the Senses to Change as You Age?
As you age, your senses change. Taste, touch, sound, smell, and sight can all diminish.
After a Fall with Injuries, Home Care Would Be a Great Support for the Senior in Your Life
How many times in your life recently have you slipped? Most of us have no idea.
Is Your Senior with Alzheimer’s Disease Becoming Aggressive? Here is What You Should Do.
One of the most difficult side effects of Alzheimer’s disease is the potential for combativeness by the senior suffering from it.
High Protein Snacks for Dialysis Patients
If your parent is receiving dialysis, his doctor may have talked to you both about making sure he has plenty of protein in his diet.
Elderly Care Helped Lucille Connect with Family
Lucille was legally blind and hard of hearing.
Why Not Count Some Birds with your Parent for the Great Backyard Bird Count, Feb 12-15?
Bird watching is a great hobby for anyone of any age, from little children to older seniors like your parent.