Javier’s parents are aging right before his eyes, and he does not know how to handle this situation. He wants his parents to remain independent, but he’s starting to see signs that aging is taking its toll on them. His mom, who has cooked all the meals for his family since he was young, is having trouble lifting her pots and pans. Javier has gone to their home to find stovetop burners still on with no food cooking. His dad was traditionally the bread winner and managed the family finances. Javier now sees late payment notices on the table. He does not know if he is making too much of minor forgetfulness or if he is seeing the initial signs of problems to come. Javier has the extra space to welcome his parents into his home but does not know if he can balance his own family life and at the same time care for his parents’ needs. He is considering home care but is unsure.
What is homecare?
There is an adage in sports related to players nearing retirement age that goes “Father Time is undefeated.” This is true in sports and in life. There will come a time where most adults will need additional support in performing daily tasks they took for granted years prior. While some adults will move into assisted living facilities, a growing number of seniors would rather “age in place,” meaning grow older in their homes. For these elders, home care may be a viable option.
Home care is a wide range of health services that can provided at home[1] by a healthcare practitioner. Home care workers range from companion sitters to skilled nurses and therapists. They focus on helping seniors age at home by assisting them with the daily activities on which they are beginning to fall short, along with attending to any medical needs. Typical home care services can include:
- Preparing meals
- Light housekeeping duties
- Aid with mobility
- Monitoring vital signs and health
- Provide companionship and conversation
Signs your elder needs homecare
In the case of Javier, it was difficult for him to discern whether his parents were just being forgetful or if they were experiencing true memory loss, which could have long-term ramifications. When deciding on the need for home care for aging seniors, loved ones should access not only the types of behaviors their seniors are exhibiting, but also the frequency of the behaviors. It is important to discern the behaviors that could lead to injury or death of a loved one. There is a stark difference between a parent forgetting to pay a utility bill once, which could happen at any age, and receiving shut-off notices for utilities unpaid for months. Below is a list of signs that your elder could be a good candidate for home care services.
- Bills/statements with late fees
- Change in mood
- Disheveled appearance
- Forgetfulness
- Home in disrepair
- Injuries
- Loss of interest
- Missing important meetings
- Poor hygiene
- Unusual amount of clutter in the home
- Weight loss
This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of signs, but a helpful start. Any of these signs by themselves may not mean your aging loved one needs additional help. However, a combination of any of these factors or consistent signs that appear troubling should make home care for your senior a consideration.
you or an aging loved-one are considering Home
Care Durham, NC, please contact the caring staff at
Affordable Family Care. Serving Raleigh, Greensboro, and the surrounding areas
in North Carolina. Call today 919-676-1070.
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