Senior Care News

Easy Ways to Help Your Senior to Move More

Being just a little more active can have huge benefits for your senior in terms of both mental and physical health.
Elderly Care Wake Forest, NC: Keeping Seniors Active
Elderly Care Wake Forest, NC: Keeping Seniors Active
Elderly Care Wake Forest, NC: Keeping Seniors Active

Being just a little more active can have huge benefits for your senior in terms of both mental and physical health. Always double check with her doctor before making changes to your senior’s activity levels, but these ideas might help her to move a little more on a daily basis without overtaxing herself. If having some assistance as she increases her activity levels would help, look into how elderly care providers can do that for her. 

Start a Garden 

Starting a garden, even a small container garden on a patio, is an excellent way for your elderly family member to be more active. This doesn’t mean that she has to haul around full wheelbarrows or anything like that. Even a few decorative plants that need gentle care on a daily basis can be a good idea. Your senior gets more movement in simply by going out to visit the plants and to care for them. 

Get out in Nature 

If your elderly family member has a bit more stamina, then nature walks might be a good idea. This is a great way to get the benefits of being out in nature, around even more plants, and to get a change of perspective. Your elderly family member doesn’t have to take long walks, but even just being in a new space for a little while can be invigorating. 

Add Music to the Mix 

Any time you add music to an activity, that can get people moving. Having a mid-morning dance break is a good way to get your senior’s blood flowing. Talk to her about what kind of music makes her feet tap and build a playlist. When you or she need to get moving a bit, scramble up a few tunes. Chair dancing can be just as effective as standing up and dancing her heart out. 

Look into Streaming Fitness Classes 

More and more gyms and fitness groups are incorporating streaming classes into their offerings. Many of them offer streaming classes as part of their membership, while others offer them free either through their website or on YouTube. This can be a great way for your elderly family member to branch out and find a variety of new ways to get moving. 

Again, make sure that you talk to your senior’s doctor before she starts any plans for moving more. If she’s got mobility concerns, elderly care providers could be the perfect answer. 

If you or an aging loved-one are considering  Eldery Care in Wake Forest, NC please contact the caring staff at Affordable Family Care. Serving Raleigh, Greensboro, and the surrounding areas in North Carolina. Call today 919-676-1070.

Donnie Shelton

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